How to use MDK for W7500 Peripherals Examples
- author : IOP Team
- version : V1.0.0
- date : 1-May-2015
- brief : Description of How to use W7500 Peripheral example with Keil project.
This application note guides user to use W7500 peripheral examples with Keil uVision compiler. Here we use TCP/IP core Offload Engine(TOE) among W7500 peripherals and loopback test example as sample.
This document is based on Keil uVision MDK-Lite version: compiler and WIZwiki-W7500 platform as hardware.
Download W7500 library and example
You can download the library and example zip file at [link].
Download and abstract the file then you can see some folder.
Directory structure
The extracted files consist of the CMSIS, driver and peripheral example.
The W7500 standard peripheral library provides a rich set of examples covering the main features of each peripheral.
Example of WZTOE directory
In WZTOE folder, directory structure is as follows.
DHCPClient, DNSClient and LoopbackTest are example project and ioLibrary contains library of socket APIs, DHCP APIs, DNS APIs and etc.
In LoopbackTest folder, directory structure is as follows.
The main.c file is main body of the project.
The retarget.c file is for using printf function for debug.
The W7500x_conf.h file contains all peripheral headers.
If you want to enable/disable peripheral header file, uncomment/comment the line.
The W7500x_it.c file contains interrupt handlers for the project.
The file contains the example description, hardware and software environment and description of how to use.
The MDK folder is for Keil IDE compiler and the GCC folder is for GCC compiler.
Open Keil projects
In MDK directory is here a file: Keil project file. Double click the file, then Keil uVision will be opened.
You can see upper image at left side on your uVision. In W7500x_Periph group are peripheral drivers which are used for this project.
The User group contains main function.
Click the build icon on menu bar or 'F7'. Then compile will be done. After compile, W7500x_WZTOE_Loopback.bin file is generated in Obj folder.
Download code
WIZwiki-W7500 board supports CMSIS-DAP, so you can just drag & drop the code file to download into 'mbed' directory on your system.
Connect to WIZwiki-W7500 and do the loopback test
Now, WIZwiki-W7500 is running TCP server: IP -, PORT - 5000. Type IP address and Port number(This application note use Hercules as TCP client program). And then click 'Connect' button.
After connection, send some string and you can see the same as you sent.