- W5500 chip development platform for net enabled microcotroller applications
- Ethernet (W5500 Hardwired TCP/IP chip) and 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M0 based designs
- Arduino Pin-compatible platform hardware.
W5500 EVB is an evaluation board for W5500 chip based on the 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M0 microcontroller. It is the easy way to develop internet connection for efficient and small embedded systems using W5500, WIZnet's hardwired TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller. It has been designed to be hardware pin-compatible with 'Arduino shields' for the 'Arduino UNO Rev3' and other footprint-compatible boards.
It is based on the NXP LPC11E36 MCU with a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M0 core running at 50MHz. It includes 96kB Flash memory, 12kB SRAM, 4kB EEPROM and various interfaces, including SPI/SSP, I2C, UART, ADC, PWM and other I/O interfaces. Additionally, the on-board temperature sensor / potentiometer is ready for useful ADC control examples. Two programmable push button switches, one RGB LED, an external 4-Mbit serial dataflash memory and a 10/100 Base-Tx RJ-45 connector with an integrated transformer are on board to implement embedded networking applications.
The W5500 EVB provides benefits in developing easier and powerful network applications on small form-factor and non-OS based embedded devices using the W5500 chip.
WIZnet W5500 Hardwired TCP/IP chip
- Hardwired TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Microcontroller Interface
- 32kB internal Tx/Rx socket buffer memory
- Hardwired TCP/IP stack supports TCP, UDP, IPv4, ICMP, ARP, IGMP, and PPPoE protocols
- Easy to implement of the other network protocols
- W5500 Product page
NXP LPC11E36/501 MCU (LPC11E36FHN33)
- 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M0 microcontroller running at up to 50MHz
- 96kB on-chip flash program memory
- 12kB on-chip SRAM data memory
- 4kB on-chip EEPROM data memory
- 1 x UART
- 1 x I2C
- 2 x SPI/SSP
- 8 x 10-bit ADC
- 4 x Timer (16, 32-bit)
- 11 x PWM
- 🌎 NXP LPC11E36FHN33 Product page
On-board Temperature sensor
- Microchip TC1047A (Temperature-to-Voltage Converter)
- Supply Voltage Range: 2.7V to 4.4V
- Wide Temperature Measurement Range: -40 to +125 celsius degrees
- High Temperature Converter Accuracy: 2 celsius degrees, Max, at 25 celsius degrees
- 🌎 Microchip TC1047A Product page
- Pin-compatible with Arduino Shields designed for the UNO Rev3
- Digital pins D0 to D15, Analog inputs A0 to A5, the power header and Etc.
- 10/100Mbps Ethernet (RJ-45 with transformer)
- Virtual COM Port(UART via USB Mini-B) - 🌎FTDI Drivers Download Page
- ARM standard debug connector: 10-pin Cortex debug connector for SWD (Serial Wire Debug)
- 2 x User's Push button switches
- 1 x RGB LED
- 1 x Potentiometer (ADC)
- External 4-Mbit serial dataflash (SPI, 2048 pages x 256/264 byte/page)
- Industrial temperature specified (-40 to +85 degrees Celsius)
- [Reset] and [ISP mode][1] Push button switch
Dimension : 93 X 53 X 17.3(H) (Unit : mm)
5V DC power supply and +5V/500mA from power supply USB connector
GPIO Input Voltage : 0 ~ 5V
GPIO Output Voltage : 0 ~ 3.3V
Two layer PCB (FR-4 material, 1.6T)
Arduino Compatible Header Pinout
- External Pinout
W5500 EVB firmware project based on LPCXpresso IDE. For more details about LPCXpresso IDE, please refer to 🌎NXP LPCXpresso platform page.
LPCXpresso IDE Install & Activation Guide How to Install and Activate LPCXpresso IDE
Download the Libraries and Application example source code for W5500-EVB 🌎https://github.com/Wiznet/W5500_EVB
Getting Started
Make New W5500 EVB Projects
🌎Make a new W5500 EVB project with LPCXpresso IDE
Technical Reference
- 🌎 W5500 Datasheet
- 🌎 NXP LPC11E3x Datasheet
- 🌎 Microchip TC1027/TC1047A Datasheet (Temperature Sensor)
- 🌎 ATMEL AT45DB041D Datasheet (External Dataflash Memory)
W5500 EVB Rev1.0 Schematic(Eagle CAD) (Last updated on 2014-05-27)
W5500 EVB Rev1.0 Schematic(PDF) (Last updated on 2014-05-27)
Part list
W5500 EVB Rev1.0 Part List (Last updated on 2014-05-27)
W5500-EVB DXF files
- W5500 EVB Rev1.0 Dimension :
Virtual COM Port Drivers