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Tutorial (Eng)

AT command Tutorial

Example 1

Data communication in Static IP and TCP Server mode

1. Set WIZ550S2E with Static IP

Set Network IP(, Subnet Mask( and Gateway( of WIZ550S2E

<TX> AT+NSET=S,,,\r\n
<RX> [S]\r\n

If you check with AT+NSTAT command after above command, you can get response like below.

<RX> [S,,S,,,,]\r\n

2. Set operating mode of WIZ550S2E with TCP Server mode whose port number is 5000

Create a socket in WIZ550S2E with local port number 5000

<TX> AT+NOPEN=S,5000\r\n
<RX> [S]\r\n

You can check the current status of the socket which you made with AT+NSOCK. Below is an example of it.

<TX> AT+NSOCK=0\r\n
<RX> [S,,S,5000]\r\n

3. a TCP Client connects to WIZ550S2E

When A TCP Client of PC(or any Device) PC connected to WIZ550S2E, you will get a message from WIZ550S2E like below

<RX> [V,0,0]\r\n

4. Send data to TCP Client

If you send 5 bytes data "Hello" to TCP Client with AT+NSEND like below, you will get two step response, Wait Response and Success Response.
[W, 0] means that WIZ550S2E recognized and is processing the command but it is not completed yet. And '0' means socket ID.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,5\r\nHello
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

5. Receive data "Hi" from TCP Client

If TCP Client sends 2 bytes data "Hi", then you will get response from WIZ550S2E like below

<RX> [R,0,2]\r\nHi\r\n

6. Disconnect current TCP connection

Do send command like below to disconnect current connection.

<TX> AT+NCLOSE=0\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

After above command, if you check the status of socket with AT+NSOCK command then you will get response like below.

<TX> AT+NSOCK=0\r\n
<RX> [S,,I]\r\n


Changing mode from Data mode to Coomand mode

<TX> +++
<RX> \r\n\r\n\r\n[W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n (20 Byte)

Changing mode from Command mode to Data mode

<RX> [S]\r\n (5 Byte)

Example 2

Retrieving web page of in Dynamic IP and TCP Client mode

1. Set WIZ550S2E with Dynamic IP

Set WIZ550S2E with Dynamic IP.

<TX> AT+NSET=D\r\n
<RX> [S]\r\n

If you check with AT+NSTAT command after above command, you can get response like below.

<RX> [S,,D,,,,]\r\n

2. Get IP address of

Obtain IP address of by DNS function like below command.

<RX> [S,,]\r\n

3. Connect to google web server

Make TCP Client socket to connect to
AT+NOPEN needs Server's IP address not Domain name, so you should put IP address which you got by above command AT_FDNS
You can see that local port number was not written.
If you don't write local port number, local port number will be allocated dynamically by WIZ550S2E.

<TX> AT+NOPEN=C,,,80\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

You can check the current status of the socket which you made with AT+NSOCK. Below is an example of it.

<TX> AT+NSOCK=0\r\n
<RX> [S,,C,2014,,80]\r\n

4. Send data to google web server

Let WIZ550S2E send 18 bytes data to with below command

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,18\r\nGET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

5. receive data from

If WIZ550S2E receives data from, you can know its data size and data like below.

<RX> [R,0,523]\r\nHTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nCache-Control: private\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n..............

6. Disconnect current TCP connection

Do send command like below to disconnect current connection.

<TX> AT+NCLOSE=0\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

Example 3

Data communication with more than two servers in Dynamic IP**

1. Set WIZ550S2E with Dynamic IP

Set WIZ550S2E with Dynamic IP.

<TX> AT+NSET=D\r\n
<RX> [S]\r\n

If you check with AT+NSTAT command after above command, you can get response like below.

<RX> [S,,D,,,,]\r\n

2. Connect to the first TCP Server

If the first TCP Server's IP address is, its port number is 5000 and local port number is 2010, then You can send a command like below.

<TX> AT+NOPEN=C,2010,,5000\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

You can check the current status of the socket which you made with AT+NSOCK. Below is an example of it.

<TX> AT+NSOCK=0\r\n
<RX> [S,,C,2010,,5000]\r\n

3. Send data to the first TCP Server

Send 10 bytes data to the first TCP Server like below.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,10\r\n1111111111
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

4. Disconnect the connection with the first TCP Server

Do below command in order to disconnect current connection.

<TX> AT+NCLOSE=0\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

5. Connect to the second TCP Server

If the second TCP Server's IP address is, its port number is 5000 and local port number is 2011, then You can send a command like below.

<TX> AT+NOPEN=C,2011,,5000\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

6. Send data to the second TCP Server

Send 10 bytes data to the second TCP Server like below.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,10\r\n2222222222
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

7. Disconnect the connection with the second TCP Server

Do below command in order to disconnect current connection.

<TX> AT+NCLOSE=0\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

8. Connect to the third TCP Server

If the third TCP Server's IP address is, its port number is 5000 and local port number is 2012, then You can send a command like below.

<TX> AT+NOPEN=C,2012,,5000\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

9. Send data to the third TCP Server

Send 10 bytes data to the third TCP Server like below.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,10\r\n3333333333
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

10. Disconnect the connection with the third TCP Server

Do below command in order to disconnect current connection.

<TX> AT+NCLOSE=0\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

Example 4

Data communication with more than two devices in Static IP

1. Set WIZ550S2E with Static IP

Set Network IP(, Subnet Mask( and Gateway( in WIZ550S2E.

<TX> AT+NSET=S,,,\r\n
<RX> [S]\r\n

2. Open a UDP socket
Open a UDP socket with its local port 5000.

<TX> AT+NOPEN=U,5000\r\n
<RX> [S,0]\r\n

3. Get data from the first UDP device

If the first UDP device, which its IP address is and port number is 4001, sent "AAAAAAAAAA"
then WIZ550S2E notify to you like below.

<RX> [R,0,10,,4001]\r\nAAAAAAAAAA\r\n

4. Send data to the first UDP device

Send 10 bytes data "aaaaaaaaaa" to the first UDP device.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,10,,4001\r\naaaaaaaaaa
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

5. Get data from the second UDP device

If the second UDP device, which its IP address is and port number is 4002, sent "BBBBBBBBBB"
then WIZ550S2E notify to you like below.

<RX> [R,0,10,,4002]\r\nBBBBBBBBBB\r\n

6. Send data to the second UDP device

Send 10 bytes data "bbbbbbbbbb" to the second UDP device.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,10,,4002\r\nbbbbbbbbbb
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

7. Get data from the third UDP device

If the third UDP device, which its IP address is and port number is 4003, sent "CCCCCCCCCC"
then WIZ550S2E notify to you like below.

<RX> [R,0,10,,4003]\r\nCCCCCCCCCC\r\n

8. Send data to the third UDP device

Send 10 bytes data "cccccccccc" to the second UDP device.

<TX> AT+NSEND=0,10,,4003\r\ncccccccccc
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

9. Close UDP socket

<TX> AT+NCLOSE=0\r\n
<RX> [W,0]\r\n[S,0]\r\n

Server - Client connection Tutorial for RS422/485

Refer to YouTube Tutorial