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Programmer's guide


This document provides programmers with all commands and explanations about WizFi250 control. Basically programmers can control WizFi250 with commands set, known as AT command – the character string format. In this document, we describe what AT commands are used, how each command operates and how programmers have to handle those commands to get the expected response.

AT Command Set

This section provides a list of WizFi250 AT commands and their effects. Users can input commands and parameters through USART line. Every command starts with the characters “AT”. Any other initial character will cause an error in return. Commands and parameters are all ASCII characters, e.g. When you input 'AT+MMSG=1', you can input ASCII characters 'A', 'T', '+', 'M', 'M', 'S', 'G', '=', '1' and 'Enter Key' which should be CR(0x0d), but neither CRLF(0x0d, 0x0a) nor LF(0x0a).

Some parameters are mandatory and the others are optional. (refer to Command Tables) Parameters must be entered in an order of format column given by the command tables. Even though an optional parameter is not used, the comma delimiters must still be included in the command. In most cases, valid commands return the characters [OK]. Invalid inputs return [ERROR]. The possible responses sent by WizFi250 to the user side are described at Responses. Below is a possible example which users can input. As you can see, WizFi250 return "\r\n" back instead of "\r", which means user (host system) always handle '\r\n' as a only delimiter.

input by userAT\r (0x61 0x74 0x0d)
Output from WizFi250AT\r\n[OK]\r\n (0x0d 0x0a 0x5b 0x4f 0x4b 0x5d 0x0d 0x0a)(* “AT\r\n” is Echo back of user input)


Responses are listed below.

[OK]Command Request Success
[ERROR]Command Request Fail
[ERROR: INVALID INPUT]Wrong command or parameter
[ERROR: WiFi Status]Wrong WiFi Status (Some commands work only with Wi-Fi Joined status)
[ERROR: Mode Status]Wrong Mode Status (Some commands do not work in Data mode)
[CONNECT x]TCP Connection established & Socket Open
[DISCONNECT x]TCP Connection closed & Socket Close
[Link-Up Event]WiFi Connection was established
[Link-Down Event]WiFi Connection was closed
[Reset Event]System reset occurred (not by user)

Command list

Basic Commands
ATTerminal Check
WiFi Commands
AT+WJOINWiFi Association
AT+WLEAVEWiFi Disassociation
AT+WSETWiFi Configuration
AT+WSECWiFi Security Configuration
AT+WNETNetwork Configuration
AT+WSTATGet Current WiFi Status
AT+WREGCountry Configuration
AT+WWPSWiFi WPS Connection
AT+WANTWiFi Antenna Configuration
AT+WP2P_STARTStart WiFi Direct
AT+WP2P_STOPStop WiFi Direct
AT+WP2P_PEERLISTGet WiFi Direct peer list
AT+WP2P_INVITEInvite WiFi Direct peer ID
AT+WCHECKCheck Wi-Fi status using Ping and Re-association with AP
Network Commands
AT+SCONSocket Open/Connect
AT+SMGMTSocket Management
AT+SDATAReturn to Data Mode
AT+SFORMDefine Data Receive Header Form
Management Commands
AT+MPROFProfile Management
AT+MFDEFPerform Factory Reset
AT+MRESETPerform System Reset
AT+MMSGSet Message Print Level
AT+MMACSet MAC Address
AT+MINFOGet System Information
AT+MECHOSet Echo Mode
AT+MHELPPrint Command Description and Usage
AT+MMCUPSMCU Power Save Enable/Disable
AT+MWIFIPSWi-Fi Power Save Enable/Disable
AT+MCWUIChange WebServer User Information
AT+USETUART Configuration
AT+MSPISPI Configuration
AT+MAIRCMDAir Command Configuration
AT+MEVTMSGPrint [Listen x] as soon as it opens up a socket through TCP server.
AT+MEVTFORMEvent Message Form
Function Commands
AT+FWEBSLaunch Web Server
AT+FSOCKSOCKET Extension Option
AT+FOTALaunch OTA Mode

Basic Commands

Basic commands are listed below.


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Terminal Check

Check if AT Command Terminal is working.

  • Response:


WiFi Commands

Commands related to WiFi are listed below.


  • Format:
  • Meaning: WiFi Association

In the STA mode, it joins with the BSS selected by AT+WSET, AT+WSEC.
And in the AP mode, it starts to run as an Access Point.

  • There are 2 Wi-Fi modes in WizFi250, STA mode and SoftAP mode. When users execute AT+WJOIN command, the current Wi-Fi mode works as the one previously selected by user input. It can be selected or checked by AT+WSET and AT+WSEC commands, and it is the only way to handle Wi-Fi mode.
  • SoftAP mode does not support WEP security method.
  • Response:
Joining : (SSID)
Successfully joined : (SSID)

[Link-Up Event]
IP Addr :
Gateway :
Already Associated :


  • Format:
  • Meaning: WiFi Disassociation

In the STA mode, it leaves current BSS, but in the SoftAP mode, it stops to run as Access Point.

  • Response:
[Link-Down Event]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: WiFi Scan

Return the scan results filtered by parameters.

<SSID>: SSID Filter (Optional)
Scan only the AP which has this SSID.
<BSSID>: BSSID Filter (Optional)
Scan only the AP which has this BSSID.
<Channel>: Channel Filter (Optional)
Scan only the AP in this Channel.

When combining these filters, it works at the same time. For example, if you enter AT+WSCAN=TestAP,00:08:DC:11:22:33', it only scans the AP which has TestAP as SSID and 00:08:DC:11:22:33 as BSSID in all the channel.


* AT+WSCAN=,,6
* AT+WSCAN=,08:00:DC:11:22:33,11
  • Response:

    Index/SSID/BSSID/RSSI(-dBm)/MaxDataRate(Mbps)/Security/RadioBand (GHz)/Channel ... [OK]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: WiFi Configuration

<WiFiMode>: WiFi Mode to set (Required)
This changes current WiFi mode.

0Set Wi-Fi mode as STA mode
1Set Wi-Fi mode as AP mode

<SSID>: Target/Own SSID (Required, Max: 32 Character)

STAThe SSID of target AP
APIts own SSID to run

<BSSID>: Target BSSID (Optional, Form: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)

STAThe BSSID of target AP
APNot used. if any, it will be ignored

<Channel>: Target/Own Channel (Optional)

STAIn STA mode, the Channel of target AP
APIn AP mode, its own Channel to run (Default: 6)

* There are 2 Wi-Fi modes in WizFi250, STA mode and SoftAP mode. When users execute AT+WJOIN command, it works as Wi-Fi mode previously selected by the user. It can be selected or checked by AT+WSET and AT+WSEC commands, and it is the only way to handle Wi-Fi mode.

* AT+WSET, AT+WSEC commands save its parameters into the profile automatically, so the user does not need to save the current profile.


  * AT+WSET=0,WizFiAP
* AT+WSET=0,WizFiAP,08:00:DC:11:22:33,1
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Setting

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: WiFi Security Configuration

<WiFiMode>: Target WiFi mode to set (Required)

0Set Wi-Fi mode as STA mode
1Set Wi-Fi mode as AP mode

<SecType>: Security type (Optional)

WiFi Auto Security
WEPWEP (* Not support at SoftAP mode)
WPA2WPA2 - Mixed

<Key>: Security key value

WEP5 or 13 (ASCII), 10 or 26 (HEX)
WPA8 ~ 63 (ASCII), 128 (HEX)

* There are 2 Wi-Fi modes in WizFi250, STA mode and SoftAP mode. When users execute AT+WJOIN command, it works as Wi-Fi mode previously selected by the user. It can be selected or checked by AT+WSET and AT+WSEC commands, and it is the only way to handle Wi-Fi mode.

* AT+WSET, AT+WSEC commands save its parameters into the profile automatically, it works as Wi-Fi mode previously selected by the user.

* Minimum key length is 8 bytes in WiFi Auto Security.
In case of WEP mode and 5 bytes key, you should input the key with HEX type.
In case of OPEN mode, you should input the 8 bytes dummy string. Then WizFi250 will ignore the dummy key in OPEN mode.


  * AT+WSEC=0,WEP,12345
* AT+WSEC=1,WPA2,12345678
* AT+WSEC=0,,123456789\\ \\
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Security Setting of Current Mode

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Network Configuration

<DHCP>: DHCP On/Off (Optional)

0DHCP Off, Static
1DHCP On, DHCP Client
STADHCP Client On/Off
APNot used. if any, it will be ignored

<IP>: IP Address (Optional)
<SN>: Subnet Mask (Optional)
<GW>: Gateway Address (Optional)

STAAP(Router) gateway address
APNot used. if any, it will be ignored

* When you turn DHCP On in STA Mode, <IP>,<SN>,<GW> are not needed. If you input them at this time, they will be stored in the memory. They can be used later when set as Static(DHCP Off) without inputting these parameters.

* In AP mode, DHCP Server will always run despite DHCP option, and Gateway option will not be used, So both options will be ignored.

  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Network Setting

Note that <IP>,<SN>,<GW> address of response are not actual addresses, but addresses stored in the memory. So when DHCP is on, it usually different from actual addresses.

  • Response:


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Get Current WiFi Status

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Country Configuration

Input a two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 A2) like US.

  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Country Setting

Refer to ISO 3166-1 A2

  • Response:


  • Format:
  • Meaning: WiFi WPS Connection

Join with an AP through WPS method

<Mode>: WPS Mode (Required)


<PinNum>: Pin Number (Pin Mode: Required, PBC Mode: N/A)
* The maximum pin number letter is 8.


  * AT+WWPS=0
* AT+WWPS=1,12345670
  • Response:



  • Format:
AT+WANT=<Antenna type>
  • Meaning: WiFi Antenna Configuration

You had better not use this command unless it's absolutely necessary.

<Mode>: WiFi Antenna Type (Required)

0u.FL Antenna
1PCB Antenna
3Auto Selection
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current WiFi Antenna Type

  • Response:

<Antenna Type>


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Start WiFi Direct

  • Response:

    STA MAC: CE:52:AF:C6:CF:B5 [OK]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Stop WiFi Direct

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Get WiFi Direct peer list

  • Response:

P2P Peers:
0: 'SHV-E250S' on channel 1


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Invite WiFi Direct peer ID

<Peer ID>: Peer ID to invite. This is from <AT+WP2P_PEERLIST> command.(Required)

  • Response:



  • Format:
AT+WCHECK=<time>,<ping try>,<ping error>
  • Meaning: Check Wi-Fi status using Ping and Re-association with AP

It must be set as service mode in order to use Re-association function.
This function only exist later vision of F/W

To use this option, you must enter a non-zero value.

<time>: try to ping (to gateway) each time. 10 ~ 86400(required, unit:sec)
<ping try>: count of ping. 5 ~ 20(required, unit:number of times)
<ping error>: WizFi250 will be disassociated if ping timeout is more than this. 1 ~ 20(required, unit:number of times)


  * AT+WCHECK=0,0,0 (Not in use)
* AT+WCHECK=60,5,3 (Recommended. WizFi250 will try to ping to the gateway every 60 seconds. If ping timeout is more than 3, it would be disassociated.)
  • Response:



  • Format:
AT+WADNS=<DNS Server1>,<DNS Server2>
  • Meaning: Add DNS Server

<DNS Server 1>: DNS Server 1
<DNS Server 2>: DNS Server 2


  • Response:


Network Commands

Commands related to Network are listed below.


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Socket Open/Connect ( User can use max 8 sockets. )

Opens a socket and if it is a TCP Client, establishes TCP connection with remote peer device.

<OpenType>: Socket open type (Required)

Oopen at Once
Sregister as a Service
SOopen at Once & register as a Service

* AT ONCE: Assigns a socket immediately and if the socket is a TCP Client, tries to connect peer socket.

* AS SERVICE: Registers its information to the profile. When WiFi Joined, socket open/connect will be performed automatically. If you want to use this after reset, It should be saved by using AT+MPROF=S.

<SocketType>: Socket protocol to use (Required)

TSNTCP Server Normal
TSSTCP Server Secured
TCNTCP Client Normal
TCSTCP Client Secured
USNUDP Server Normal
UCNUDP Client Normal

* 'Secured' means TCP connection through SSL Encryption.

* Actually, there is no Server/Client concept in UDP protocol. This concept is used to decide peer address purposes. If a UDP Server receives any packet, its default peer address will be changed to the address of the packet, so if you send data after that, it goes to the changed address. But If you use UDP Client, its …default address stored by AT+SCON will never be changed.

<RemoteIP>: Remote IP address

ProtocolParameter Application
TCP ServerN/A
TCP ClientRequired
UDP ServerOptional
UDP ClientRequired

<RemotePort>: Remote port number
Same condition with upper, RemoteIP

<LocalPort>: Local port number (Required)
Local port number should not be duplicated with others which have opened before. When the value is 0, in case the socket was a TCP/UDP Client, a random port number will be selected. If it was a TCP/UDP Server, it will return an error message.

<DataMode>: Mode to run (Optional, default: 0)

0Open as Command mode
1Open as Data mode

* About Command/Data mode, refer to [Command mode & Data mode]


  * AT+SCON=O,TSN,,,5000,0
* AT+SCON=S,UCN,,12345,5000,1 (Profile must be saved)
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Previous Input Parameters

Use for check if previous input parameters are correct.

  • Response:


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Socket Management - Socket Close

Closes the selected socket and releases all its resources.

<SocketID>: Socket ID (Required)

0 ~ 7The socket ID to close
ALLAll the opened sockets

* Opened socket information can be found by using '?' option.


  * AT+SMGMT=5
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Socket Management - Get Opened Socket Status

This prints all of the opened sockets statuses.

  • Response:
Number of Sockets : x (SCID/Socket/Mode/Remote/Local/DataMode)


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Data Send

This is used only in command mode, not in data mode. It is not required in data mode as you can input directly, but if you exit from data mode to command mode by inputting '+++', you can send data through this command.

<SocketID>: Socket ID (Required)

<RemoteIP>: Remote IP Address

ProtocolParameter Application
TCP ServerN/A
TCP ClientN/A
UDP ServerOptional
UDP ClientOptional

* In case of TCP Server waiting for a client on listen state or in case of undecided remote address of the UDP Server (meaning its remote address is, this command will fail.

<RemotePort>: Remote Port Number
Same condition with upper, RemoteIP

<SendSize>: Data size to send (Required)
Valid Range: 1 ~ 100,000,000 Byte

<Timeout >: Set timeout value (milliseconds unit) (Optional)
If the transmission takes time more time than timeout value, it will fail and return error response. Default value is 10s + (100s / 1 MB)


  * AT+SSEND=0,,,3
* AT+SSEND=1,,5000,1000000,50000
  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Return to Data Mode

In data mode, it can be changed to command mode temporally by using serial '+++' input. After that, to return to the data mode, you can use this command. If it is not data mode, [ERROR] response will be returned.

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Define Data Receive Header Form

Define the header of received data which is used at command mode. For example, default receiving format look like below.
This means ASCII code "hello" was received from by socket ID 0, and its length was 5. You can change this format to suit your system through this command. Factory default option is "111111111,7B,2C,7D,0D,0A"

<Format>: Decide each of header items to use. (Required)
If you want to set it to active, input '1', if not, input '0'.

0Header Start
1Socket ID
3Remote IP Address
4Remote Port Number
5Data Length
6Header End
7Data End 1/2
8Data End 2/2

* At default format, ' ' is header start and end, ',' is delimiter, 0xd,0xa is data end 1,2.

< Start>: Header Start Character (Required)
< Delim>: Delimiter Character (Required)
< End>: Header End Character (Required)
< Cls1>: Data End Character 1/2 (Required)
< Cls2>: Data End Character 2/2 (Required)


  * AT+SFORM=111111111,7B,2C,7D,0D,0A
* AT+SFORM=101100110,5B,2F,5D,0D,00
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Data Receive Header Form

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: S2W miscellaneous option

<Option>: Option to configure (Required) <Value>: Value of the option (Required)

10Escape sequence(+++) Timer(millisecond, default 1000, 1~10000)


  * AT+SOPT1=10,500
  • Response:


Management Commands

Commands related to system management are listed below.


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Profile Management

You can save/load the environmentalinformation in the RAM to/from flash ROM, or check the setting values in both of them through this command.

<Action>: The action to perform (Required)

VDGet saved profile
VGGet current profile
LLoad profile
SSave profile

* There is no '?' option at this command.


  • Response:


    +WSET=... +WSEC=... +WNET=... +WREG=... +SCON=... +SFORM=... +MMSG=... +MMAC=... +USET=... +MECHO=... +FWEBS=... [OK]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Perform Factory Reset

Factory Reset means that all of environmental variables return back to the default state. (You can check that by using AT+MPROF command)

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Perform System Reset

System will reboot after this command.

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Set Message Print Level

<Level>: Message Print Level (Required)

1Not Print Responses
2Print Responses, Events (Default)
3Print Responses, Events, Debug Logs


  * AT+MMSG=2
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Message Print Level

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Set MAC Address

<MAC>: MAC Address (separated by colon) (Required)


  * AT+MMAC=00:08:DC:11:22:33
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current MAC Address

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Get System Information

  • Response:

FW version / HW version
<FWver> / <HWver>


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Set Echo Mode

If you turn the echo mode off, you cannot see the characters that you inputted returning. It is easy to use to turn off when Host MCU handles AT Command control.

<Action>: Echo Mode (Required)

0Echo Off
1Echo On (Default)


  * AT+MECHO=0
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Echo Mode

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Print Command Description and Usage

This is command usage guide for user convenience.

  • Response:

    ... [OK]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: MCU Power Save Enable/Disable

MCU Power Save Mode can be selected through this command.

<Action> : MCU Power Save Mode (Required)

0MCU Power Save Mode Disable
1MCU Power Save Mode Enable

* while using MCU Power Save Mode, WizFi250 cannot use serial communication.
<Timeout> : MCU Power Save Timeout value (Required)
Valid Range : 10 ~ 3600000 (unit:ms)

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Wi-Fi Power Save Enable/Disable

Wi-Fi power save mode can be selected through this command.

<Action> : Wi-Fi Power Save Mode (Required)

0Wi-Fi Power Save Mode Disable
1Wi-Fi Power Save Mode Enable
2Enables power save mode while attempting to maximize throughput

* To using Wi-Fi Power Save Mode, WizFi250 has to connect to Access Point. And WizFi250 can only use this mode in station mode.

<Delay > : Return to Sleep Delay
If it is set with a bigger value, the performance will improve but the power consumption will rise.


* This parameter is used only to set 2 of <Action> parameter.

* It must be set to a multiple of 10. When set to 0, the timeout period default to 2 beacon intervals (approximately 204ms).

* It can be set to 0 ~ 90

  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Wi-Fi Power Save Status

<Status > : Current Wi-Fi Power Save Status

Return valueMeaning
0Wi-Fi Power Save Mode Disable
1Wi-Fi Power Save Mode Enable
  • Response:



  • Format:
AT+MCWUI=<Current ID>,<Current P/W><New ID>,<New P/W>
  • Meaning: Change Web Server's User Information

User ID and User Password used by web server can be changed through this command

<Current ID> : Current ID (Required)
* Default value is admin

<Current P/W> : Current Password (Required)
* Default value is admin

<New ID> : New ID which you want to change (Required)
* Max length of New ID : 20 bytes

<New P/W> : New Password which you want to change (Required)
* Max length of New Password : 20 bytes


  * AT+MCWUI=admin,admin,newid,newpassword
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current user ID and user P/W

  • Response:

<Current ID>,<Current P/W>


  • Format:
  • Meaning: UART Configuration

UART parameter can be set through this command. Factory default parameter is "115200,N,8,1,N ".

<Baudrate>: Set the Baud-Rate. (Required)

300300 bps
600600 bps
12001200 bps
24002400 bps
48004800 bps
96009600 bps
1440014400 bps
1920019200 bps
3840038400 bps
5760057600 bps
115200115200 bps
230400230400 bps
460800460800 bps
921600921600 bps
18432001843200 bps

<Parity>: Set the Parity-Bit type. (Required)


<WordLen>: Set the Word-Length. (Required)

88 bits

* 7 bits word length with no parity bit is not allowed.

<StopBit>: Set the Stop-Bit. (Required)

0.50.5 bits
11 bits
1.51.5 bits
22 bits

<FlowCon>: Set the Flow-Control method. (Required)

HWHardware Flow Control


  * AT+USET=115200,N,8,1,N
* AT+USET=921600,N,8,2,HW
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current UART Setting

  • Response:



  • Format:
AT+MSPI=<Interface>,<SPI Option>
  • Meaning: SPI Configuration

<Interface>: Choice of interface (Required)
If <Interface> set 0, WizFi250 Will set the interface it received first. For example, If MCU sends UART signal to WizFi250, WizFi250 will be set as UART interface. On the other hand, If MCU send SPI signal to WizFi250, WizFi250 will be set as SPI interface.


<SPI Option>: Configure SPI Option (Optional when use SPI)


Examples(Received through UART interface):

  * **AT+MSPI=1,0**          (SET UART Interface)

Examples(Received through SPI interface):

  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Interface and SPI Option

  • Response:

<Interface>,<SPI Option>


  • Format:
  • Meaning: TBD

  • Response:



  • Format:
AT+MCUSTOM=<custom code>
  • Meaning: Set to customized settings by request of specific customers.


Default custom code is WIZNET

  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get current custom code

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Configure Air Command mode

<OpenType>: Air Command mode type (Required)

Oopen at Once
Sregister as a Service

* AT ONCE: Assigns a Air-Command-socket immediately.

* AS SERVICE: Registers its information to the profile. When WiFi Joined, Air-Command-socket open will be performed automatically. If you want to use this after reset, It should be saved by using AT+MPROF=S

<SocketType>: Air-Command-Socket protocol to use (Required)

TTCP Server Normal
UUDP Server Normal

<LocalPort>: Local port number (Required)
Local port number should not be duplicated with others which have opened before. When the value is 0, in case the socket was a TCP/UDP Client, a random port number will be selected. If it was a TCP/UDP Server, it will return an error message.

<Option>: Reserved (Required)

  * AT+MAIRCMD=O,T,50001,0
* AT+MAIRCMD=S,U,50001,0
  • Response:


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Print [Listen x] as soon as it opens up a socket through TCP server.

It is able to print TCP Server Status with [Listen x].(x:socket number).
A user can decide whether WizFi 250 will print out Listen message or not in initialization mode on TCP server.
This command is made for mbed library.
Uses 1 Parameter and set status of socket as 0,1 for each relevant below table.

<Status>: Printing status (Required)

0No display [Listen x] message
1Display [Listen x] message


  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Define Event Message Form

It is able to control format and printing status of WizFi250 event messages.
Uses 10 Parameters and set event message as 0,1,2 for each relevant one

<Format>: Event Message Format (Required)
0: No display
1: Full Message
2: Short Message


0(No display)1(Full Message,Default)2(Short Message)
aWizFi250 Version (WIZnet Co.Ltd)\r\n\r\n[0]\r\n
b\r\n[CONNECT %x]\r\n\r\n[1]\r\n
c\r\n[DISCONNECT %x]\r\n\r\n[2]\r\n
d\r\n[Link-Up Event]\r\n\r\n[3]\r\n
e\r\n[Link-Down Event]\r\n\r\n[4]\r\n
f\r\n[Reset Event]\r\n\r\n[5]\r\n
g\r\n[TCP Send Error]\r\n\r\n[6]\r\n
h\r\n[P2P Fail Event]\r\n\r\n[7]\r\n
i\r\n[LISTEN %x]\r\n\r\n[8]\r\n
jJoining : ...
Successfully joined : ...
IP Addr : ...
Gateway : ...


  * AT+MEVTFORM=1111111111
* AT+MEVTFORM=1222200000
* AT+MEVTFORM=0000000000
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current Event Message Form

  • Response:


Function Commands

Commands related to additional functions are listed below.


  • Format:
  • Meaning: PING Test

<RepeatCnt>: Repeat Count (Required)
Valid Range: 1 ~ 50 (unit:number of times)

<TargetIP>: Target IP Address (Required)


  * AT+FPING=3,
  • Response:

    Ping Reply : xxx ms ... [OK]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: DNS Query

<HostName>: The domain name to search (Required)

<Timeout>: Maximum Delay (milliseconds unit) (Required)
Valid Range: 1,000 ~ 1,000,000 (unit:ms)(Recommend: 1000)


  • Response: [OK]


  • Format:
  • Meaning: Launch Web Server

Web server can be set through this command. The default setting is to start web server when Wi-Fi link up event occurs. ( Factory default parameter is "0,M" )
<Action>: The action to perform (Required)

0Web server Stop
1Web server Start

<Type> : The web server launch type (Required)

AWeb server start when Wi-Fi link up event occurs
MWeb server start when enter AT+FWEBS command after Wi-Fi is joined.

* If <Action> parameter is 1 and Wi-Fi is joined, WizFi250 starts web server immediately without regard for <Type> parameter. If Wi-Fi is not joined, web server is started according to <Type> parameter. If you want to use <Type> parameter after reset, it should be saved using AT+MPROF=S


  * AT+FWEBS=1,A
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current WEB Server Status and Type

<Status>: Current WEB Server status

Return valueMeaning
0Web server Stop
1Web server Run
  • Response:


  • Format:
  • Meaning: GPIO Control Function

GPIO can be set through this command.
<action>: The action to perform (Required)

Return valueMeaning
0Get GPIO value when <mode> is 0
1Set GPIO value when <mode> is 1
2GPIO Initialize

<gpio_number>: Available GPIO number (Required)

Return valueMeaning

<config_value>: Current GPIO Configuration Value (It can be used when action is 2)

Return valueMeaning
0INPUT_PULL_UP (Input with an internal pull-up resistor)
1INPUT_PULL_DOWN (Input with an internal pull-down resistor)
2INPUT_HIGH_IMPEDANCE (Input - must always be driven, either actively or by an external pullup resistor)
3OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL (Output actively driven high and actively driven low - must not be connected to other active outputs)
4OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN_NO_PULL (Output actively driven low but is high-impedance when set high - can be connected to other open-drain/open-collector outputs. Needs an external pull-up resistor)
5OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN_PULL_UP (Output actively driven low and is pulled high with an internal resistor when set high - can be connected to other open-drain/open-collector outputs)

<gpio_value>: Current GPIO Value (It can be used when action is 1)

Return valueMeaning


  * AT+FGPIO=2,6,3
* AT+FGPIO=0,1
* AT+FGPIO=1,5,1
  • Response:

If <action> is 0


If <action> is 1 or 2


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current GPIO Setting

<mode>: Current GPIO mode

Return valueMeaning

* <mode> can be set to 0 automatically when <config_value> is set to 0,1 or 2. If <config_value> is set to 3,4 or 5, <mode> can be set to 1 automatically.

<gpio_number>: Available GPIO number

<config_value>: Current GPIO Configuration Value

<gpio_value>: Current GPIO Value


  * AT+FGPIO=?
  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: SOCKET Extension Option

When there is no socket connected, it try to reconnect the server using this option.
6,8 options must be set as service mode(AT+SCON=S) for Auto Reconnection.
Profile(AT+MPROF=S) has to be saved after AT+FSOCK

This function only exist later vision of F/W

This is for extended options of Socket. It will be added continuously.

<Option>: Extended options of Socket (Required)

1TCP Send error timeout (value : 2000~20000ms)
6Recreates Socket then attempts Auto-Reconnection after <Value> seconds (value: 10~1000)
8Automatically resets WizFi250 module. when there is no socket connected (value: 5~1000)

<Value> : Value of extended option (Required)


  * AT+FSOCK=1,5000
* AT+FSOCK=6,10
* AT+FSOCK=8,30
  • Response:


  • Format:


  • Meaning: Get Current extended options of socket

  • Response:

<Extened option 1><2><3><4><5><6><7><8>



  • Format:
  • Meaning: Launch OTA Mode

User can update firmware in OTA modewhich can be entered by this command. Refer to Wi-Fi OTA

  • Response:



  • Format:
  • Meaning: TBD

  • Response:


Command mode & Data mode

There are two user interface modes between WizFi250 and User-System.

Command mode is the default communication mode and all AT Commands can be used only at this mode. Through AT Commands, users can do 'WiFi Configuration', 'Sending/Receiving Data', 'Managing System', and so on. WizFi250 treats all received data from users as AT command. If all received data follows the correct command format, WizFi250 processes it and returns a proper response to user.

Data mode, on the other hand, is the mode which passes data of application layers to peer devices directly, without AT commands or any other interventions. It can be considered as a black box which passes all USART input to USART output directly. Its concept is simple but to enter this mode, Users need to set the environment properly through AT Commands.

Entering Data mode

Users can enter Data mode by writing '1' at '<DataMode>' parameter of AT+SCON command. Make sure that there are no open sockets before performing this, because Data mode works with one socket only. (So if you try to open another socket in data mode it will fail). If the socket of Data mode is closed, the mode will be changed to Command mode automatically so users can input AT Commands. If users set AT+SCON command as service with data mode option and save the profile, Data mode will be started when WiFi is joined, so the user does not need to set environments anymore. If the system boots or reboots at that time, WiFi Join will also be started automatically. Users can exit from data mode temporally by entering '+++' in a row (Wait for a second until [OK] response show up). Any AT Command can be entered during Data mode except AT+SCON command. If you want to return to data mode again, you just need to enter AT+SDATA. If you want to exit Data mode completely, close the socket by using 'AT+SMGMT=0' or 'AT+SMGMT=ALL'.

Data transmission in Command mode

In Command mode, you can make more than one socket, and you can send/receive data through opened sockets at the same time by using AT Command. You can send data to specific socket opened through AT+SSEND command and receive data with information header which informs you on the socket number, the peer address and the received data length.

I/O Pin

PIN Description

Pin NameDirectionDescription
BOOTINEnter into boot mode When boot or reset is performed, if this pin is tied low, it will enter into boot mode. Users can do APP/DCT(DCT : Device Configuration Table for WizFi250-Configuration-Data) upload or factory recovery in the boot mode through UART.* LOW : Start as boot mode * HIGH: Start as application mode
FUNCTIONINPerform pre-defined action Perform pre-defined action at the booting or while running. This can be used when UART cannot be used.(Refer to FUNCTION Pin Usage)
LED1OUTIndicate WiFi Association When WiFi is joined (associated) with router in STA mode or with station in AP mode, it will be changed to low state (LED On). And when left(disassociated), it will be returned to high state (LED Off).♦ LOW (LED ON) : WiFi is Associated ♦ HIGH(LED OFF): WiFi is Not associated
LED2OUTIndicate Data/Command Mode If serial (UART or SPI) interface mode is data mode, this pin will be tied low state (LED On). And if it is command mode, it will be tied high state (LED Off).♦ LOW (LED ON) : Data Mode ♦ HIGH(LED OFF): Command Mode
SPI_DATA_READYOUTIndicates that there is data to send through SPI When WizFi250 has data to send in the SPI mode, this will be changed to high state. This pin can be used for awakening host MCU.
GPIO 1IN/OUTUser Defined GPIO 1 User can utilize this pin for GPIO through AT Command.
GPIO 5IN/OUTUser Defined GPIO 5 User can utilize this pin for GPIO through AT Command.
GPIO 6IN/OUTUser Defined GPIO 6 User can utilize this pin for GPIO through AT Command.
GPIO 7IN/OUTUser Defined GPIO 7 User can utilize this pin for GPIO through AT Command.
GPIO 8IN/OUTUser Defined GPIO 8 User can utilize this pin for GPIO through AT Command.
Reserved-Reserved for future use


Through the function pin, users can perform specific actions without AT Command.

ActionHow to enter
Factory RecoveryWhile booting or reset, keep low state (pressing the button) together with BOOT pin over 3.5 seconds
AP ModeDuring running state, tie it to low state and release it for once.Refer to time diagram below.
OTA ModeWhile running state, tie it to low state and release it for twice.Refer to time diagram below.
Factory DefaultDuring running state, tie it to low state and release it for thrice.Refer to time diagram below.

Time sequence graph is as below.

t1100 ms-200 ms
t2100 ms-200 ms

How to Use Web Configuration

Main Page

This picture shows the main page of WizFi250’s web server. In order to enter this page, WizFi250 should operate as SoftAP mode or associate to target AP as STA mode. The web server is launched automatically when joined to target AP or operate SoftAP. If you do not want to operate the web server, you can use <AT+FWEBS> command. For detailed information about <AT+FWEBS> command, refer to AT+FWEBS. After entering this page, users have to input user id and user password. Its default value is admin. If you want to change user id or user password, you can use <AT+MCWUI> command. For detailed information about <AT+MCWUI> command, refer to AT+MCWUI.

After input user information, user can choose an item to perform among below listed 5 items.

Serial to Wi-Fi Setting

If you select “S2W Setting & Scan Network” icon, you can enter into web page as shown in this picture. On this page, you can set parameters for using AP Mode or Station Mode and TCP/UDP.

Set AP Mode

If you want to use AP Mode and TCP Server, you can select parameter as showm on picture. If you want to use TCP Server or UDP Server, you don't need to input <Remote IP> and <Remote Port>.

If WizFi250 was set successfully, you willsee the success message as below.

And after checking success result, click the <Next_Step> button in order to move on to the next page. If wrong value was inputted, WizFi250 will return fail message like below.

On the next page users can set AP information like SSID, Security and Security Key value as below.

If it finishes successfully, the user will see the message as below.

Station Mode

If the user seta Station Mode on this web page, the user can select protocol and other information as Remote IP, Remote Port and Local Port. In this example, we will explain how to set Station Mode and TCP Client.

If WizFi250 was set successfully, you will see the success message as below.

Then you can select DHCP mode or Static mode. In this example we chose DHCP mode. When using DHCP, it is not required to select IP information.

Enter a Password and then Select the <Join> button you want to associate to SSID.

If you can see “Device Started. Web server and access point stopped. See UART for further information.” message in the web browser and “Successfully joined” message in the serial terminal, WizFi250 is associated to AP successfully. This picture is serial message when WizFi250 is associated to AP successfully.

WPS(Push Button)

This section explains how to set the protocol as TCP or UDP and then associate to Access Point by WPS method. If you select „WPS(Push button)“, you can see the web page as on this picture. For more detailed information, refer to Serial to Wi-Fi Setting.

If you click the next_step button after finishing the setting, the web page will be shown as below.

If you click the <Go> button on this web page, WizFi250 will scan the Access-Point in order to connect to it. The Access-Point must be set with <WPS-PBC> function as in this picture. ( In this example, we used LINKSYS Access-Point )

This picture shows the log message stating that WizFi250 finished the WPS function successfully.


This section explains how to set the protocol as TCP or UDP and then associate it to the Access Point by WPS method. If you select “WPS(PIN)“, you will see the webpage as shown in this picture. For detailed information, refer to Serial to Wi-Fi Setting.

If you click the next_step button after finishing the setting, the web page will be shown as below.

If you enter PIN number and click <Go> button, WizFi250 will scan the Access-Point in order to connect to it. Access-Point must be set as <WPS-PIN> function as below. ( In this example, we used LINKSYS Access-Point )

If the WPS-PIN function is successful, you will see a serial log message as on this picture.

Change to OTA Mode

If you select “Change to OTA Mode” icon, you will see the web page as on this picture.

If you click the <Change to OTA mode> button on this page, WizFi250 will run in OTA Mode. For detailed information about OTA Mode, refer to Upload newest firmware in OTA mode

GPIO Control

If you select the “GPIO Control” icon you will see the web page as shown on this picture.

On this page, you can select “Get GPIO Status” menu or “Set GPIO Status” menu.

If you click “Next” button after selecting “Get GPIO Status” menu, you can see the web page as this picture.

On this page, you can check the real time GPIO status of WizFi250.

If you select “Set GPIO Status” menu, you will see the web page as on this picture.

On this page, you can set gpio mode and gpio value of WizFi250.

  • When set as output mode… mode, WizFi250 will set gpio config value to
  • When set as input mode, WizFi250 will set gpio config value to INPUT_HIGH_IMPEDANCE.

For detailed information about it, refer to AT+FGPIO.

Serial Setting

If you select “Serial Setting” icon, you can see the web page as this picture.

On this page, you can set serial information. When you select the <Set Serial Config> button after your choice values, WizFi250 will be restarted in order to change serial information. For detailed information about it, refer to AT+USET.

User Information Setting

If you select the „User Information“ icon, you will see the web page as in this picture.

On this page, you can change user id and user password. For changing user information, you have to input current id and password.

If you select <Setting> button after input value, WizFi250 will be restarted in order to change user information. For detailed information about it, refer to AT+MCWUI.

How to Upgrade Firmware

Serial Line-APP+DCT

  1. Download WIZSmartScript from WIZnet homepage and install it
  2. Run WizFi250 in Boot Mode. (refer to boot pin in the PIN Description)
  3. Run WIZSmartScript and fill in options(RED) as below. (COM Port should match yours) And Click the 'Start Script' buton (Yellow).

  1. Check the log that shows up as below. After 4 seconds, download will be started. First, write the DCT, then write the WizFi250 application firmware. If it is a success step1 message and step2 message. ( execute “02-A. Flash Write(app) if step2 fails ) ☞ If you want to change firmware binary file, just copy it to 'AppFWFile' folder.

Wi-Fi OTA(Over the Air) - APP

Start OTA mode using AT+FOTA Command

  1. Turn on OTA mode by entering the command as below.


Start OTA mode using WEB Server

  1. Run WizFi250 in command mode, and operate the WizFi250 as below.






[Link-Up Event]
IP Addr :
Gateway :
  1. Connect your PC Wi-Fi to the Wizfi250, open the web browser and enter the IP address of WizFi250 which you can find by using 'AT+WSTAT'

  1. Click the 'Over the Air' icon

  1. Click the 'Change to OTA mode' button, then WizFi250 will enter OTA mode.

Start OTA mode using FUNCTION pin

  1. If entered the OTA Mode using FUNCTION pin, you will see messages as below. Refer to FUNCTION Pin Usage

Upload newest firmware in OTA mode

  1. Now you can connect to the WizFi250 OTA Access Point from your PC. Connect your PC WLAN to the AP which the name WIZFI_OTA_(MAC-Address).

  1. Open the WEB browser and go to ''. (If the browser failed to find the page, disconnect the other network connections and try again). When successful, it should look like below.

  2. Click the 'Delete App' button, and wait until internal flash memory is erased. (Before writing firmware, internal flash must be erased. Otherwise it does not work properly.).

  3. After erase, click the second button, ‘Choose File’, and select the firmware file you want to upload.

  4. Click the second button, 'Select file', and choose the FW file you want to upgrade. And finally, click the 'Upgrade' button to start upgrading. ( You have to use APP.bin file. This file is in WIZSmartScript\AppFWFile\Version\APP.bin )

  5. Wait for a second until upgrade is finished and check if it shows a complete message as below.

  6. Check if WizFi250 is upgraded and works well.

Firmware Recovery

This section explains how to recover firmware when a critical problem occurred in WizFi250 application firmware.

  1. Input low signal to BOOT pin and FUNCTION pin.
  2. Reboot WizFi250
  3. If WizFi250 starts the firmware procedure you will see a serial message as below. If this procedure succeeds, WizFi250 will be reset to factory default firmware.

  1. If you want to upload newest firmware to WizFi250, you have to use OTA mode. For detailed information for starting OTA mode, refer to Wi-Fi OTA.
  2. Afterwards, you can upload newest firmware using web browser. For detailed information for uploading newest firmware in web page, refer to Wi-Fi OTA - Upload newest firmware in OTA mode.

Examples - Association & Disassociation

Station Mode using WPA2 Static IP

This section explains how to connect to AP using WizFi250 with static IP address. In this example, target AP information is as below. ( SSID : WizFiDemoAP, Security : WPA2, Key : 12345678 )

AT   				(Sent AT command with 0x0d (Hex of Enter button))
[OK] (Response meaning successful execution)

AT+WSET=0,WizFiDemoAP (AT command for setting WiFi association)

AT+WSEC=0,WPA2,12345678 (AT command for setting WiFi security)

AT+WNET=0,,, (AT command for setting Static IP address)

AT+WJOIN (AT command executing AP association)
Joining : WizFiDemoAP
Successfully joined : WizFiDemoAP

[Link-Up Event]
IP Addr :
Gateway :

AT+WLEAVE (AT command making disassociation from AP association)

[Link-Down Event]

Station Mode using WPA2 DHCP

This section explains how to connect WizFi250 to target AP with DCHP Client Mode

AT   				(Sent AT command with 0x0d (Hex of Enter button))
[OK] (Response meaning successful execution)

AT+WSET=0,WizFiDemoAP (AT command for setting WiFi association)

AT+WSEC=0,WPA2,12345678 (AT command for setting WiFi security)

AT+WNET=1 (AT command for setting DHCP)

AT+WJOIN (AT command executing AP association)
Joining : WizFiDemoAP
Successfully joined : WizFiDemoAP

[Link-Up Event]
IP Addr :
Gateway :

AT+WLEAVE (AT command making disassociation from AP association)

[Link-Down Event]

AP Mode using WPA2 Static IP

This section explains how to set AP mode using WizFi250. In AP mode, WizFi250 have to set static IP address. (AT+WNET=0,xxx,xxx,xxx) After setting AP mode, WizFi250 will operate DHCP Server. Thus, when smart phone or other devices connect to WizFi250, WizFi250 will give IP address to connected device.

AT   				(Sent AT command with 0x0d (Hex of Enter button))
[OK] (Response meaning successful execution)

AT+WSET=1,WizFi250_AP (AT command for setting WiFi association information)

AT+WSEC=1,WPA2,12345678 (AT command for setting WiFi security)

AT+WNET=0,,, (AT command for setting Static IP address)

AT+WJOIN (AT command executing run AP mode)
Joining : WizFi250_AP

[Link-Up Event]
IP Addr :
Gateway :

AT+WLEAVE (AT Command disassociating from AP association)

[Link-Down Event]

Examples - Data Communication

Method of setting TCP Client and exchanging data in Data Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to open < TCP Client Socket> and communicate with peer system. Below is an example showing how to set TCP Client and change the mode to data mode. It also explains parameters of < AT+SCON> command.

(AT+SCON=< OpenType>,< SocketType>,< RemoteIP>,< RemotePort>,< LocalPort>,< DataMode>)

If you enter < O> or < SO> value to < Open Type> parameter, WizFi250 will try to connect to TCP Server immediately.

But when using < S> value, WizFi250 will try to connect to TCP Server after reboot and you have to set SocketType,RemoteIP,RemotePort and LocalPort as below

In order to set WizFi250 to data mode, you have to enter 1 value to < Data Mode> parameter of AT+SCON command. For detailed information to this command, refer to AT+SCON.

  • Mode: Data Mode, TCP Client
  • Remote IP :
  • Remote Port : 5000
  • Local Port : 5001
AP Association                    ( Refers to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,TCN,,5000,5001,1 ( AT command connecting with a TCP Client Socket )

[CONNECT 0] < = At this point, a TCP connection is done

Exchanging data with a peer system

If WizFi250 successfully connects to a peer system, WizFi250 will print [CONNECT(CID)] message and enter data mode. In data mode, WizFi250 can send serial data to peer system and receive network data from peer system without other translation.

Socket Close

In order to close TCP connection, WizFi250 has to switch to AT Command Mode. ( When +++ message entered, WizFi250 can be changed to AT Command Mode. ) After being changed to AT Command Mode, TCP Connection can be closed by using < AT+SMGMT=CID> or < AT+SMGMT=ALL> command.

Checking Socket Status

After being changed to AT Command Mode, TCP Connection can be closed by using < AT+SMGMT=CID> or < AT+SMGMT=ALL> command.

Number of Sockets : 1 (SCID/Socket/Mode/Remote/Local/DataMode)

Method of setting TCP Server and exchanging data in Data Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to open < TCP Server Socket> and communicate with peer system. Below is the example for setting TCP Server and then changing to data mode. For detailed information about < AT+SCON> command, refer to AT+SCON and Socket Open.

  • Mode : Data Mode, TCP Server
  • Local Port : 5000
AP Association              ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,TSN, , ,5000,1 ( AT command listening with a TCP Server Socket )

[CONNECT 0] < = When TCP connection is done, you can see this message

Exchanging data with a peer system

Exchanging data with its peer system is the same as previous Exchanging data with a peer system.

Socket Close

Closing socket connection is the same as previous Socket Close.

Checking Socket Status

Checking socket status is the same as previous Checking Socket Status.

Method of setting UDP Client and exchanging data in Data Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to open < UDP Client Socket> and communicate to peer system. Below is an example for setting up UDP Client and changing into data mode. For detailed information about < AT+SCON> command, refer to AT+SCON and Socket Open.

  • Mode : Data Mode, UDP Client
  • Remote IP :
  • Remote Port : 5001
  • Local Port : 5000
AP Association              ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )


[CONNECT 0] < = At this point, a UDP connection is done

Exchanging data with a peer system

Exchanging data with its peer system is the same as previous Exchanging data with a peer system.

Socket Close

Closing socket connection is the same as previous Socket Close.

Checking Socket Status

Checking socket status is the same as previous Checking Socket Status.

Method of setting UDP Server and exchanging data in Data Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to open < UDP Server Socket> and communicate to peer system. Below is an example for setting up UDP Server and changing into data mode. For detailed information about < AT+SCON> command, refer to AT+SCON and Socket Open.

  • Mode: Data Mode, UDP Server
  • Local Port: 5000

AP Association ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,USN, , ,5000,1 [OK]

[CONNECT 0] < = At this point, a UDP connection is done

Exchanging data with a peer system

< UDP Server Mode> can connect UDP connection without peer systes information like IP address and port number. But before peer system is connected to WizFi250, WizFi250 does not send data to peer system because WizFi250 does not know its information. Thus peer system must send data to WizFi250 in order to know peer system’s information like below. The other information for exchanging data is same as Exchanging data with a peer system.

Socket Close

Closing socket connection is the same as previous Socket Close.

Checking Socket Status

Checking socket status is the same as previous Checking Socket Status.

Method of setting TCP Client and exchanging data in Command Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to set < TCP Client> in < Command Mode> and communicate to peer system. Below is the example for setting TCP Client on the Command Mode . In order to enter in the Command Mode, you have to enter 0 value to < Data Mode> parameter of < AT+SCON> command. For detailed information to this command, refer to AT+SCON

  • Mode : Command Mode, TCP Client
  • Remote IP:
  • Remote Port : 5000
  • Local Port : 5001

AP Association ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,TCN,,5000,5001,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 0] < = At this point, a TCP connection is done

Exchanging data with a peer system

If WizFi250 connects to peer system successfully, WizFi250 will print [CONNECT(CID)] message. At this time, WizFi250 is in command mode. In order to send data to peer system, you have to use < AT+SSEND=CID, Destination IP, Destination Port, Data Length > command. If you input serial command like < Data Length > , WizFi250 will send serial data to peer system.

AT+SSEND=0,,,5 ( Sending data to a Socket with CID 0 ) Hello < = When serial data is 5byte, WizFi250 send this data to peer system [OK]

{ 0,,5000,11 } Hi WizFi250 ( Receiving data from pear system )

Socket Close

In < AT Command Mode >, TCP connection can be closed through < AT+SMGMT=CID> or < AT+SMGMT=ALL> command.

Checking Socket Status

In < AT Command Mode >, Information of connected sockets are shown by using < AT+SMGMT=?> command.

AT+SMGMT=? Number of Sockets : 1 (SCID/Socket/Mode/Remote/Local/DataMode) 0/TCN/ [OK]

Method of setting TCP Server and exchanging data in Command Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to set < TCP Server> in < Command Mode> and communicate to peer system. Below is the example for setting TCP Server on the Command Mode. For detailed information about < AT+SCON> command, refer to AT+SCON and Socket Open.

  • Mode : Command Mode, TCP Server

  • Local Port : 5000

AP Association ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,TSN, , ,5000,0 ( AT command listening with a TCP Server Socket ) [OK]


Exchanging data with a peer system

Exchanging data with its peer system is the same with previous Exchanging data with a peer system.

Socket Close

Closing socket connection is the same with previous Socket Close.

Method of setting UDP Client and exchanging data in Command Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to set < UDP Client> in < Command Mode> and communicate to peer system. Below is an example for setting UDP Client on Command Mode. For detailed information about < AT+SCON> command, refer to AT+SCON and Socket Open.

  • Mode : Command Mode, UDP Client

  • Remote IP :

  • Remote Port : 5001

  • Local Port : 5000

AP Association ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,UCN,,5001,5000,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 0] < = At this point, a UDP connection is done

Exchanging data with a peer system

Exchanging data with its peer system is the same as previous Exchanging data with a peer system.

Socket Close

Closing socket connection is the same as previous Socket Close.

Method of setting UDP Server and exchanging data in Command Mode

Socket Open

This section explains how to open < UDP Server Socket> in Command Mode and communicate to peer system. Below is an example for setting UDP Server on Command Mode. For detailed information about < AT+SCON> command, refer to AT+SCON and Socket Open.

  • Mode : Command Mode, UDP Server

  • Local Port : 5000

AP Association ( Refer to Association & Disassociation Example )

AT+SCON=O,USN, , ,5000,0 [OK]


Exchanging data with a peer system

< UDP Server Mode> of WizFi250 can connect UDP connection without peer system information like IP address and port number. Before peer system is connected to WizFi250, WizFi250 does not send data to peer system. So you should be careful when using < UDP Server Mode>.

{0,,5001,11} Hi WizFi250 ( Receiving data from peer system )

AT+SSEND=0,,,5 ( Sending data to a Socket with CID 0 ) Hello < = When serial data is 5byte, WizFi250 send this data to peer system [OK ]


AT+SCON=< OpenType>,< SocketType>,< RemoteIP>,< RemotePort>,< LocalPort>,< DataMode>

This section explains the usage of < Open Type> parameter of < AT+SCON> command. This table describes values of < Open Type> parameter.

Parameter Meaning S Register as a Service O Open at Once SO Open at Once & Register as a Service < S> : Register as a Service When using this parameter, WizFi250 will try to connect to peer system using TCP or UDP when power is on.


AT+WSET=0,WizFiDemoAP [OK]

AT+WSEC=0,WPA2,12345678 [OK]


AT+SCON=S,TSN,,,5000,0 [OK]


AT+MRESET [OK] WizFi250 Version (WIZnet Co.Ltd) Joining : WizFiDemoAP Successfully joined : WizFiDemoAP

[Link-Up Event] IP Addr : Gateway :

AT+SMGMT=? Number of Sockets : 1 (SCID/Mode/Remote/Local/DataMode) 0/TSN/ [OK]

< O> : Open at Once When using this parameter, WizFi250 will try to connect to peer system using TCP or UDP when enter the < AT+SCON> command. For using this parameter, WizFi250 should be already associated with AP or running AP mode. In this section, we have only explained steps in Station Mode. In AP Mode, you can use this command like in Station Mode


AT+WSET=0,WizFiDemoAP [OK]

AT+WSEC=0,WPA2,12345678 [OK]


AT+WJOIN Joining : WizFiDemoAP Successfully joined : WizFiDemoAP

[Link-Up Event] IP Addr : Gateway : [OK]

AT+SCON=O,TCN,,5000,,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 0] < SO> Open at Once & Register as a Service When using this parameter, you can use functions of < S> and < O> at the same time. When using this parameter, WizFi250 will try to connect to peer system momentarily. And if you restart WizFi250, WizFi250 will try to connect to AP and peer system.


AT+WSET=0,WizFiDemoAP [OK]

AT+WSEC=0,WPA2,12345678 [OK]


AT+WJOIN Joining : WizFiDemoAP Successfully joined : WizFiDemoAP

[Link-Up Event] IP Addr : Gateway : [OK]

AT+SCON=SO,TCN,,5000,,0 [OK] [CONNECT 0]



WizFi250 Version (WIZnet Co.Ltd) Joining : WizFiDemoAP Successfully joined : WizFiDemoAP

[Link-Up Event] IP Addr : Gateway :


Example of SSL Connection

This section explains how to connect to and communicate with SSL server. To connect to SSL server, use < TCS(TCP Client SSL)> / < TSS(TCP Server SSL)> parameter of < AT+SCON> command. ( When using UDP, WizFi250 cannot use SSL Connection. ) In order to use SSL connection, you can use AT command as below.

GET / HTTP/1.1{0x0d}{0x0a}

{0,,443,990}HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=3e64d81fb97c7e6c:FF=0:TM=1371553236:LM=1371553236:S=H3NKySD63UwelF_z; expires=Thu, 18-Jun-2015 11:00:36 GMT; path=/;
Set-Cookie: NID=67=vtzYXz5msxRYzO-KzH5EKgcnABE4_YOcbUG1RGXufiQM2PNc84gyr8O12VNkOOap8MUCmGNQfnfsGMarSS9Jlkb7MiZdIQxrJg-FL1uKUqgSBA2CGIEqI5syrKnNW2YK; expires=Wed, 18-Dec-2013 11:00:36 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 11:00:36 GMT
Server: gws
Content-Length: 222
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"><TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>302 Moved</H1>The document has moved< A HREF="">here</A>.

Example of Multi Socket Connection

This section explains how to use < Multi Socket Connection> function. WizFi250 can use max 8 TCP or UDP sockets. In order to use < Multi Socket Connection> function, you can use AT command as below. In this example, the peer system was running a loop back program. So if peer system received data from WizFi250, peer system will send received data to WizFi250.

AP Association

AT+SCON=O,TCN,,5000,5001,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 0] AT+SCON=O,TSN,,,6000,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 1] AT+SCON=O,UCN,,7000,7000,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 2] AT+SCON=O,USN,,,8000,0 [OK]

[CONNECT 3] AT+SMGMT=? Number of Sockets : 4 (SCID/Socket/Mode/Remote/Local/DataMode) 0/TCN/ 1/TSN/ 2/UCN/ 3/USN/ [OK]

AT+SSEND=0,,,16 Hello_TCP_Client [OK]


AT+SSEND=1,,,16 Hello_TCP_Server [OK]


AT+SSEND=2,,,16 Hello_UDP_Client [OK]

{2,,7000,16}Hello_UDP_Client {3,,8000,16}Hello_UDP_Server AT+SSEND=3,,,16 Hello_UDP_Server [OK]

Air Command mode - WizFi250AirCmd

This section explains how to operate Air-command-mode of WizFi250. With this Air-command-mode included in the WizFi250, you can issue AT commands to the module via WiFi, while the WizFi250 is in the TCP server or UDP server operation mode.

Please have a look at the following hints:

  • Air-command-mode should only be used for configuration of WizFi250. It is not recommended to use the command mode for other purpopses.
  • The Air-command-mode will automatically be started, when the module WizFi250 will be booted into the AP mode. The module can then be configured on the port 50001 on its IP address.

The AT command consists of following parts: Command header (WizFi250AirCmd:), AT command (for example: AT) and Carriage Return (\r).

The command should be sent with these conditions:

  • The command header “WizFi250AirCmd:” is case sensitive and has to be sent in this kind. It is 15 Bytes long.
  • A < Carriage Return, 0x1d> has to follow the AT command directly.
  • Air-command header, AT command and Carriage Return should be combined into one packet.

Example usage of the WizFi250AirCmd:

AT+WSET=1,WizFi250_AIRCMD [OK] AT+WSEC=1,WPA2,123456789 [OK] AT+WNET=0,,, [OK] AT+WJOIN

[Link-Up Event] IP Addr : Gateway : [OK]

AT+MAIRCMD=O,T,50001,0 [OK]

Now, TCP Client can connect to the WizFi250 and issue the AT commands via WiFi as below.

(TCP Client TX) WizFi250AirCmd:AT+MINFO\r (24 Byte) (RX) FW version/HW version Rev 1.0 [OK]

(TCP Client TX) WizFi250AirCmd:AT+WSEC=?\r (25 Byte) (RX) 1,WPA2,123456789 [OK]

(TCP Client TX) WizFi250AirCmd:AT+WSEC=1,WPA2,aaaabbbb\r (39 Byte) (RX) [OK]

(TCP Client TX) WizFi250AirCmd:AT+MMAC=?\r (25 Byte) (RX) 00:08:DC:00:55:76 [OK]

Examples - WiFi Direct

This section explains how to connect to smartphone using WizFi250 with < WiFi Direct>. In this example, target smartphone information is as below.
( smartphone model : Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Android Version : 4.3, Model Number : SHV-E250S )

Basic Information

< WiFi Direct> is supported after WizFi250 F/W v1.0.1.1.

WizFi250 Version (WIZnet Co.Ltd)
FW version/HW version Rev 1.0

WiFi Direct Start

First, you need to enable < WiFi Direct> in your smartphone.
And, you can start < WiFi Direct> in WizFi250 using < AT+WP2P_START> command.


WiFi Direct Connect

To connect your smartphone to WizFi250 via < WiFi Direct>, select < WizFi250-P2P> in the list as below.

After a few seconds, your smartphone will connect to WizFi250 via < WiFi Direct >

And you can see the result of < WiFi Direct> in WizFi250.

AT+WP2P_START STA MAC: CE:52:AF:C6:CF:B5 [OK] Found P2P device: SHV-E250S Sending Identity Sending Identity Sending nonce Sending hashes Sending WSC Done

[Link-Up Event] IP Addr : Gateway :

As above, ip address of WizFi250 is < > and that of smartphone is < >

Data Communication

After the connection, you can issue < AT+SCON > command for for data communication.


And, I just used a general TCP client App in the smartphone for the test.

Now, WizFi250 and smartphone can communicate each other via < WiFi Direct>.



{0,,47160,19}Hello WizFi250.....
{0,,47160,19}Hello WizFi250.....`


WizFi250 UART Throughput Test Report

Test Environment

Test Result

  1. Send 10Mbyte data to PC
Baud rateTime
(Using Command Mode)
Speed(bit/s)Flow Control
18432001m 20s1.00MH/W
9216002m 20s585KH/W
  1. Send 1Mbyte data to PC
Baud rateData ModeCommand ModeFlow Control
1152001m 35s86K1m 36s85KH/W
  • Command Mode : To sending data, WizFi250 have to use AT+SSEND command.
  • Data Mode : Data Mode is the mode which passes data of application layers to peer-device directly, without commands.
  • For more information, Refer to Command mode & Data mode.