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Wi-Fi Shield

There are many resource Products using WIZnet WizFi modules.


3rd party products using our 🌎WizFi250 module:

Wifi Shield (Fi250) from Seeed Studio

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🌎Wifi shield(Fi250) is a economic internet solution with Arduino. 🌎The Wi-Fi module(WizFi250) support IEEE 802.11b/g/n mode, maximum speed up to 65Mbit/s. Wifi shield (Fi250) combine on board antenna; it’s easy to build you project in a small box. The module reserve a UFL connector, you can use an extra antenna to improve the signal range. There is a key on the board, just push one time to change wifi shield as AP mode. The module have a computer interface software, you can control and upgrade the module via USB-UART convertor. The wifi shield contain a Micro SD card socket, it’s like a recorder when wifi shield working as TCP, UDP server.


3rd party products using our 🌎wizfi210 module:

WiFi Shield V2.2 For Arduino from DFRobot

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The 🌎WIFI wireless module is based on 🌎WizFi210. It provides the bridging from TTL serial port communication to IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless communication. So any device with TTL serial ports can easily be connected with this WIFI module and controlled and managed remotely through a wireless network. Different kinds of communication protocols and encryption algorithms are integrated with the module. The Arduino architecture enables you to easily integrate this module into any Arduino based project.

WiFi Shield for Arduino from GOF Studio

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The 🌎Wifi Shield is based on Serial to 🌎Wi-Fi module Wizfi210 from 🌎Wiznet and compatible with 🌎Arduino and its clones. The Wifi Shield offers you a quick, easy, and effective way to add Wi-Fi capabilities to Arduino. The Wifi Shield allows you to achieve Wifi communication via UART by sending AT commands, which is an ideal solution for whom with limited or no Wi-Fi or RF expertise. The Shield supports data rates up to 11 Mbps, and is compliant with 802.11b.

SainSmart WiFi Shield For Arduino Mega Uno Duemilanove(802.11 b/g/n) UART TTL Communicate

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The 🌎WIFI wireless module is based on 🌎WizFi210. It provides bridging from TTL serial port communication to IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless communication. So any device with TTL serial ports can easily be connected with this WIFI module and controlled and managed remotely through a wireless network. Different kinds of communication protocols and encryption algorithms are integrated with the module. The Arduino architecture enables you to easily integrate this module into any Arduino based project.

WiFi Shield from Gorillabulderz

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The 🌎GorillaBuilderz WiFi shield currenlty has tested support 🌎Wiznet WizFi210, 🌎WizFi220 and yet to be confirmed support for the Gainspan GS1011.

We want to highlight that although our shield can be made to operate in server mode with your own custom code/library, our library itself does not provide this functionality directly as we only provide client mode support at this time.

WiFi Shield - EiFi from ELEC Freaks


This 🌎Wifi Shield - EiFi utilizes a 🌎WizFi210 wifi module to provide your Arduino/Freaduino with Serial Ethernet's function. It provides the bridging from TTL serial port communication to IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless communication. So any device with TTL serial ports can easily be connected with this Wifi module and controlled and managed remotely through a wireless network. Different kinds of communication protocols and encryption algorithms are integrated with the module. The Arduino architecture enables you to easily integrate this module into any Arduino based project.

Arduino WIFI shield from GE Tech

🌎The Wifi Shield is based on Serial to Wi-Fi module 🌎Wizfi210 from 🌎Wiznet and compatible with Arduino and its clones. The Wifi Shield offers you a quick, easy, and effective way to add Wi-Fi capabilities to Arduino. The Wifi Shield allows you to achieve Wifi communication via UART by sending AT commands, which is an ideal solution for whom with limited or no Wi-Fi or RF expertise. The Shield supports data rates up to 11 Mbps, and is compliant with 802.11b.

Wifi Shield V2.0 for Arduino compatible from RobotBase

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🌎WiFi Shield v2.0 is is the newest release wireless module for Arduino enthusiast. Which is based on 🌎WizFi210. It provides the bridging from TTL serial port communication to IEEE802.11b/g/n wireless communication. So any device with TTL serial ports can easily be connected with this WIFI module and controlled and managed remotely through a wireless network. Different kinds of communication protocols and encryption algorithms are integrated with the module.

The Arduino architecture enables you to easily integrate this module into any Arduino based project.


3rd party products using our 🌎WizFi220 module:

WizFi shield (WizFi220 - Wi-Fi)

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🌎The WizFi shield in no time using the microcontroller connected to a network system. The shield of the module 🌎WizFi210 powerful version of the module fitted on 🌎WizFi220 available! The high-gain external antenna module is optionally available!


3rd party products using our 🌎wizfi610 module:

Wifi shield(Wiz610) from Olimax

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The 🌎Arduino WiFi Shield is the adapter plate for the 🌎WIZnet WIZ610wi WiFi module. This shield provides 802.11b/g connectivity, and is compatible with Duemilanove, Mega, and Uno platforms. This Shield can easily connect to the internet utilizing the widely used communications framework as WiFi.

The WIZ610wi WiFi module has a hardware TCP/IP stack, which makes it one of the most stable stacks in the market, without having to spend resources of the processor or microcontroller in communication tasks.

The Arduino WiFi Shield comes with a complete library of functions for data transmitting and WiFi configuration module developed by MCI.