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SSL Connection Guide

Using the OpenSSL

The 'Using the OpenSSL' section provides a guide to connecting to the SSL server through OpenSSL

Required Hardware and Software


  • WIZ510SSL

  • WIZ510SSL-RS232/TTL-EVB Evaluation Board

  • Cables (Ethernet / Serial / Micro USB Type B)


How to Connect to SSL Server through OpenSSL

Step 1: Set up environment to use the WIZ510SSL

The process of set up environment to use the WIZ510SS is available at the WIZ510SSL Getting Started page.

Step 2: Set up and run the SSL server through OpenSSL

  • Set up the SSL server
genrsa -des3 -out [key_name].key 2048              // Create the private key
req -new -key [key_name].key -out [csr_name].csr // Create the CSR(Required for certificate signing request)
x509 -req -days [days] -in [csr_name].csr -signkey [key_name].key -out [crt_name].crt // Create the certificate

genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
  • Run the SSL server
s_server -accept [port] -cert [crt_name].crt -key [key_name].key   // Run SSL the server

s_server -accept 443 -cert server.crt -key server.key

Step 3: Set up the WIZ510SSL through the WIZnet S2E Configuration Tool for SSL server connection

  • Select SSL TCP client mode in the Operation mode setting section
Figure: Select SSL TCP client mode
  • Input the remote host IP (or URL) and remote port in the Remote host / port section
Figure: Input the remote host IP and remote port
  • Click the Apply Settings button to save the settings
Figure: Click the Apply Settings button
Figure: Saved settings

Note: If you need certificates to connect to SSL server, please refer to the 'Upload Certificates' section below.

Step 4: Done

WIZ510SSL is successfully connected to SSL server through OpenSSL!

Figure: Status
Figure: Connect to the SSL server

Upload Certificates

You can upload certificates below in the 'Certificate manager' tab of the'WIZnet S2E Configuration Tool'.

  • Root CA
  • Client Certificate
  • Private key

Upload and set up the certificates required by the SSL server you want to connect to.

After loading the certificate by clicking the 'Load file' button, be sure to save it by clicking the 'Save to device' button.

Figure: Upload Certificates